The photo that is my favorite is probably the one with the baseball, the second one shown. It's probably my favorite because it came out really good and baseball is a big part of my life. The photos were taken at my backyard, Skyline baseball field, Skyline baseball field, Coors field, and my backyard. I chose black and white for the last photo because I couldn't get it to work in camera raw... I chose color for the others because they all looked better in color. I do love these photos because they aren't just of the ceiling or the wall or something plain, they all have some meaning to me or they just looked good.
This photo was taken from the 4th floor of the Longmont United Hospital while I was visiting my dad. This photo is my favorite because I like the design and I really like how it came out. I took this shot because I was walking by the open area and saw this design and thought it was really cool architecture.

I took this photo of the wall at Longmont United Hospital.

I took this photo on the outside of the Longmont United Hospital.

This picture is of my sisters baby, or soon to be. I took this picture while visiting her in Salida over break. The baby will be named Ellaina River Wilberg. I am really excited to become a uncle! Even though my sister lives so far away, I hope I can see her a lot. My sisters due date is soon after the new year, but that may come a little sooner because they put her on bedrest. I think bed rest would be a lot of fun! I really would like to teach her how to play softball and be an outdoorsy girl and not a barbie, but I really know it's not up to me. The basic story of this photo is there is a baby inside of my sister, that creeps me out and also makes me really anxious to be an uncle.





1. What made me pick these three photos are the lines on the clock, the line design on the hat and the lines on the keyboard
2. The lines are the subjects here because in the clock photo, I outlines the hour hand on the clock, on the hat I made the lines outlined and on the keyboard I just like the lines that outline the keyboard.
3. The clock photo is my favorite because I really like how the highlights came out, I just upped the yellow in grayscale.
4. I do like my work, I really like how the two photos on the left and middle came out and i'm a little disappointed that 

    Hi it's Farrell, I like baseball and i'm a ginger.

    Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand.

    Leo Durocher