This picture is of my sisters baby, or soon to be. I took this picture while visiting her in Salida over break. The baby will be named Ellaina River Wilberg. I am really excited to become a uncle! Even though my sister lives so far away, I hope I can see her a lot. My sisters due date is soon after the new year, but that may come a little sooner because they put her on bedrest. I think bed rest would be a lot of fun! I really would like to teach her how to play softball and be an outdoorsy girl and not a barbie, but I really know it's not up to me. The basic story of this photo is there is a baby inside of my sister, that creeps me out and also makes me really anxious to be an uncle.

12/4/2013 03:46:10 am

I really like the picture you took to represent yourself. It really tells me that you love to play baseball and it means a lot to you.

12/12/2013 10:39:33 am

I like how athletic you are how much you love the sports baseball. I think your photos are great and have a lot of thought put into them. They look great.


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    Hi it's Farrell, I like baseball and i'm a ginger.

    Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand.

    Leo Durocher