My flood story isn’t as much about me as it is about the families affected by this 500-year flood. I live right near Trail Ridge Middle School, which means that there really isn’t any water near us. Our house had no flood damage that we know of as of right now.  Though there is an open space behind my house, that came about 5 feet from entering our backyard. Over the weekend, I tried to get to Lifebridge Christian Church. Lifebridge was the home of many displaced Lyons homeowners, and Lifebridge is also my home church. You could sign up to help prepare meals, sort out supplies, and many more jobs! I signed up to offer my services every day but I was only called once or twice. I helped the first day sorting out supplies and then next time I was called, I helped out in the kitchen doing various tasks. I also helped one of my family friends clean out her basement and that was tragic to see. I am really proud to see how many donations were given to not only Lifebridge but to Red Cross and any of the other place accepting donations. Lifebridge had TOO MANY DONATIONS AFTER 6 HOURS! They had to send out a message asking us to STOP DONATION BECAUSE THERE WAS NO MORE ROOM! I find that really amazing. I am very thankful that the flood and all the water that was poured down did not affect my house. I also am very saddened to see all of my neighbors that were affected in some way and it’s also extremely devastating to see what the water did to the community but I know we will rebuild and be stronger than ever! Because Colorado never gives up and always comes back stronger than ever.
Will Wills
9/27/2013 03:26:43 am

1) Your site is well super organized, all of the project pictures are there.
2) I think that your site says that you are all about friends and sports.
3) I think my favorite photo on your site has to be your selfie. I like this photo because I like the way you edited it.
4) I honestly do not think you have to improve anything on your site because it is really good.


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    Hi it's Farrell, I like baseball and i'm a ginger.

    Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand.

    Leo Durocher