The message I was trying to display in this photo is how the dog, Champ, is looking off out of the crop deeply as if he's thinking about something. What I believe I captured is the deep thought which was probably "I'm pretty hungry, you should feed me."
The message I was trying to display in this photo is The happiness oh my friend Gabes face. I also tried to capture the Denver night line in the background. I believe that along with capturing the background and the happiness from his face, I captured the essence of "I like long walks on the beach and helping others."
The message I was trying to display in this photo is how the dog is looking down on everything. I feel like animals always have to look up at us but in this photo, the role is reversed, and we are looking up at the dog, Ginger. 
jesus rodriguez
9/27/2013 03:33:09 am

1)his site is well orginized because his most recent photos are in the bottom
2) ferrels site says that he likes his dog and likes to play basball
3) my favorite photo of his site is when he is with his baseball team and he has a picture of everybody looking away
4) what he can improve on is having different pictures because he has 2 pictures of his dog


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    Hi it's Farrell, I like baseball and i'm a ginger.

    Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand.

    Leo Durocher